Monday, January 24, 2011


Hello! Welcome to my blog. Seems to be what everyone is doing these days, but they say that companies like to see you have internet, coding, and writing skills all in one bunch. I guess you could say this means you can stick to a schedule too. So blogging is really one of those things that writers need.

I hate introductions, whether it be in person, in an essay, a story, or even something as low stakes as a blog. So this first post is going to be a lot looser, less formal, than the rest of my writing might sound. Of course, we'll be getting into much more interesting topics than myself later, which will help, I think.

Basically all you need to know about me at the moment can be found on my profile to the right. I am a student in Atlanta, Georgia, and I read and write science fiction. The reading part is probably the key to the writing -- I'd say that not a single person was *born* to write. Just like no one was *born* to make a circuit board (I made a circuit board once! Albeit...a very simple one). You have to learn, research, see how other people do it before you can start yourself, and for writers this comes in other author's works. You may like history books, or non-fiction, or maybe do-it-yourself guides, or, like me, the wider world of fiction. No matter what you find yourself attracted to, you *have* to read it before you can write it. Trust me, genres can be horribly mangled and converged into a Frankenstein monster if you're not paying attention.

But, as I have already stated, my personal area of interest, and hopefully one day expertise, is the extremely unappreciated genre of Science Fiction. But we'll get to that in a minute.

Let's start with the name of my blog. Unless you are a science buff, you probably won't immediately recognize what 455 below represents. Well, I'm pretty sure you can gather that it's a temperature, but a temperature of what?

Space. The beautiful infinite (or is it?) expanse that surrounds our comparatively insignificant little solar system. Now, this is by no means the average of all that space! The technical temperature of the void is 'absolute zero' or zero Kelvin, which converts to -273.15 degrees Celsius. I was never very good at these kinds of conversions, so I chose the Fahrenheit version: -459.66999999999996 degrees. Now obviously you can't name a blog *that*! No one would be able to talk about it.

"Hey, did you read 459.66999999999996 below today?"

"No, I missed that section."

Silly. No, I much prefer 455. Besides, out there somewhere (in the great beyond...) there is a specific patch of space - probably many patches - that have the specific temperature of -455 degrees F. Remember, the vacuum of space fluctuates. It's a pretty violent environment, or so I've been told.

And what will I be discussing here at 455 below? Well, many things I'm sure. I love the internet because it allows us to see and learn so many things. I will be concentrating, however, on reviewing different Science Fiction stories, long and short, that I read. You'll have to keep me honest -- my goal is to write at least once a week, so if I start slacking off, send me a virus or something (not really, please don't do that).

That reminds me of a story....

But you'll just have to WAIT to hear about it!

So long for now,

p.s. Enjoy feeding the space grumbies.

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