I know it's been a while since I posted. But this is a big deal!
A few weeks ago a television show premiered reveling in the final launch of a space shuttle to our station in orbit. Did any of you feel a pain in your stomach watching this? Our final ascent, and they laud it with pride.
What I feel is disappointment. I'm sad that we could push aside what has been described as 'the final frontier' with a shrug and a grin. Think about that description -- there once was a time when men were leaving everything they had to just get a peak at what no person had seen before. The wild used to drag us away with its mystery and power.
Since when did that power become confined to the boundaries of our atmosphere? The drag of the stars is not pulling enough people hard enough.
It pulls me, though. I go in my mind, through words, but it would be the pride of my imagination to see more, to be able to go to those pitch black depths penetrated by burning horizons of gas and dust through the steps of another. Who will go?
"Those were the voyages"
What's next for NASA